April 9, the Day After

“If life just returns to what it was….. you might have a case of missing the point.”

Yesterday, April 8th, was amazing. My wife and I sat perched on a hill so we could see the entire skyline and watch the eclipse move over us. There was a lot of high cloud, which actually made it even more interesting and colourful.

Because of the cloud, there were times we could remove our glasses and look at the eclipsing sun through the cloud.

And then the FULL eclipse came. A glorious moment of mystical beauty that will leave an impression on us for life. At about 3:18 PM the entire sky over us went dark, and yet all around us the horizon was still light, like a sunset. It was colder too. And simply amazing. Pictures and videos hardly do it justice. It was amazing to be part of.

Many people rearranged their schedules and travelled miles just to be part of this eclipse…. this potentially once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you lived in its pathway, you were one of the “lucky ones” who didn’t have to come to it, it came to you. But with the sun, moon, and earth’s predicted and reliable cycles, many came to be under the convergence of these celestial bodies.

Schools were closed, shops closed early, business adjusted schedules. All to be part of the phenomenon.


Maybe fear for some. Many attempted implying way too much into this simple cycle of nature.

For most others, we are amazed at the wonders of the earth and our galaxy. We want to behold the significant…. observe a touch of out-of-this-world-ness. It makes us feel part of something bigger than ourselves. Part of something more.

Everyday God reveals beauty and order in what He has made. We can observe daily rhythms and count on them.  We don’t go to bed wondering if the sun will rise. We know it will. The shining of the sun and moon and their typical cycles and patterns, and the rotation and orbits of the earth and other planets… are all so regular and typical, that we forget to lift up our eyes to the heavens and give praise to the One who made it all, and governs it all. Yes, the sun rises, because God ordained it so. Your day… and my day… are a gift of provision.

And then…

….every so once in a while God goes above and beyond. Within the typical patterns and the rhythmic beauty of creation, He shows us something spectacular, something memorable. As if to say, “Check this out.” And for our viewing, He lines everything up just so, and we get an eclipse — an extraordinary one at that.


To reveal His glory within the simple created cycles and elements of life. Taking normal daily things and aligning them just so to make them extra-special for a time. Placing them before us like a reminder to look up and gaze into the heavens and say, “God you are awesome!”

And to thank Him for creating all things with purpose and direction, including you and me, who have a responsibility to seek this God out and ask what He requires of us.

God orchestrates these things. When is the last time so much of life paused and so many people looked up at the sky in wonder? Just for a 4 minute phenomenon! A swath of people from Texas to Ontario and beyond!

That’s what God does. “Check this out!”

God prompts us… remember to not worship created things, but worship Him alone, the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

And now it’s Tuesday, April 9th, the Day After

If life just returns to what it was… you know… you saw something amazing, you told your friends, you got the photos, and the selfies, and you were wowed. You posted stuff. And now life goes on. You looked up for a few minutes, and now it’s down again into your own world.

Then you just might have a case of missing the point.

Did you give praise to the God of the universe who put His creation on display for us in this special way?

As if the daily observance of His created order isn’t enough, yesterday was a tap on the shoulder, an interruption to our life, directly reminding us, “Hey, have you remembered Me in your life? Look up! Regularly… and give praise and worship to the God who made all things… and even you!”

I know eclipses happen all the time. (I find it fascinating that the sun and moon appear to be the same size from our view on earth.) But eclipses occur from different vantage points all over the earth. It’s like God cycles the “check this out” message to multiple audiences. “The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim His handiwork.”

Everyone worships something (self, others, created things, money, reputation, prestige, equality). And what we worship will shape us and determine our path. Yes, in this life and into the next. It’s that serious. And God reminded us yesterday… re-orient your worship to your Creator!

Someday another sight in the sky will come. A far brighter appearance than the brightest eclipse or the brightest shining of the sun. It will be the coming of the Son, the Son of God, and His return to earth as King. When He comes, our lives will be exposed in whether we worshipped God with our life or not. And our eternal destiny will be ratified.

Not just a swath of people will see him come, but all of the earth will see it. Yes, and we will look up to marvel at Him and then fall to our knees, as every knee will bow before Him.

For some, they will bow in worship and reverence. For others, they will bow in terror and distress.

That day will be amazing — and terrible.

So think deeply about what you saw, why you saw it, and what impact it will have on what you worship in life. God graciously reminded us yesterday, “Remember Me.”

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

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